Dasha Mahavidyas










Dashamahavidya & Tantra siddha World Famous Guruji
Dasha-Mahavidya :
1. Kali : The ultimate form of Brahman, "Devourer of Time" (Supreme Deity of Kalikula systems).
2. Tara : The Goddess as Guide and Protector, or Who Saves. Who offers the ultimate knowledge which gives salvation (also known as Neel Saraswati).
3. Lalita-Tripurasundari (Shodashi) : The Goddess Who is "Beautiful in the Three Worlds" (Supreme Deity of Srikula systems); the "Tantric Parvati" or the "Moksha Mukta".
4. Bhuvaneshvari : The Goddess as World Mother, or Whose Body is the Cosmos.
5. Bhairavi : The Fierce Goddess.
6. Chhinnamasta : The Self-Decapitated Goddess.
7. Dhumavati : The Widow Goddess,or the Goddess of death.
8. Bagalamukhi : The Goddess Who Paralyzes Enemies.
9. Matangi : the Prime Minister of Lalita (in Srikula systems); the "Tantric Saraswati".
10. Kamala : The Lotus Goddess; the "Tantric Lakshmi".
Shastrishree Dr.Rupnathji is a Dashamahavidya siddha World Famous Guru.
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Secrets of Your Soul; Soul Purpose & Birth Chart/Horoscope Reading Astrological Consultation By Tantra Siddha Yogi Dr.Rupnathji.
"The biggest Sin is being in Ignorance". All kind of problems in human life are derived from the ignorance. You need to destroy your ignorance through the right knowledge if you want to be free from all of your problems. Remember, knowledge is your birthright and the real knowledge only comes from the heaven through Siddhas, Yogis and Rishis who has mastered the science and art to activate the whole brain and reach to Super Consciuos State to connect with cosmic intelligence, the Eternal Light of Spirit (God).
These days it has become popular to recommend some jewel as a remedial measure. They are not traditionally recommended as a remedial measure. There are various astrological remedies available at Born Sage Tantra Siddha Yogi Shastrishree Dr.Rupnathji ( Dr.Rupak Nath ). Remedies the solutions that will help you to overcome complicated situations in your life. These Remedies are the perfect solutions for appeasement of negative planets that influence greatly on your
horoscope. The reigning God of Hinduism is Vishnu, who is the “incarnated Sun”, and the most divine. Sometimes when there is chaos on the Earth Vishnu visits the earth in various forms such as the Ram, bull or lion. These symbols were found on temple walls dating back 7,000 years, and are still used in Astrology today with the signs of Aries the Ram, Taurus the Bull and Leo the Lion. In Hindu Astrology the concept of Karma and Reincarnation plays a very important role and can determine the
“stage” a persons soul has reached in this current lifetime.